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  • / 08.14.2018

Tips for Staying Safe on Your Motorcycle

Accidents happen and that will never change. Be aware and you can prevent many accidents.

Yes, it’s a cliché but we repeat it anyway:  Drive sober.

Nothing is easier to prevent than driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Get a designated driver or call a cab. Take special care with prescription and over-the-counter medications, they sometimes affect people in unexpected ways. Also, remember that drowsy driving can be as dangerous as drunk driving.

Get the Training You Need for the Rides You Take

High-powered and high-performance motorcycles are harder to handle. People who rode in their 20s then take it up again in their 50s are seriously out of practice and have new technology to deal with. Riding with passengers involves more than riding solo. If you want the bigger thrill, get more practice time in a controlled environment and stay safe, and remember, everybody needs a refresher course from time to time.

2800 versus 200

That’s the average weight of a family vehicle compared to the average motorcycle. Potholes, manhole covers, oil slicks, puddles, railroad tracks will rarely flip a car or truck over on its side but they could drop a motorcycle faster than any rider can react if the driver’s caught unaware.

Also, bikes are more maneuverable and have fewer blind spots, so you have a better chance of avoiding the car than the car has of avoiding you. Assume the driver cannot see you and that he is trying to kill you. (That’s probably not true unless a former spouse is behind the wheel, but why chance it?)

Dress for Success

Safety clothing saves lives, prevents injuries and is sometimes uncomfortable, we all know that. Your head is a marvel of engineering, but it wasn’t designed to hit the asphalt at 55 mph, so wear a helmet. Leathers can be hot, but road rash is worse and who doesn’t look cool in a great leather jacket and chaps? (Cordura is a great leather alternative, by the way.) If you go off the bike, you’ll instinctively put your hands out to protect your head. Without armored gloves, you will regret it. Without wind-proofing or insulation, your hands could get cold enough to compromise your driving skills very easily.

We’re Here If You Need Us

The Morgan Law Firm specializes in motorcycle accidents. We hope you never need us, and, if you do, that it’s the other guy’s fault. We know state motor vehicle and liability laws as well as you know the road on which you live. With six offices in and around Idaho and Utah, we’re in your corner.

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The roads can be treacherous, but bills and insurance companies can be worse. Consider sharing this blog to your social media to help others arm themselves with the reliable legal information they need to drive with confidence.

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to learn how we can help

The Morgan Law Firm is available to take your call any time, seven days a week. We would be happy to meet with you in your home, your hospital room, in either of our main offices or in one of our conveniently located pilot offices.

We handle all of our cases on a contingency-fee basis. This means you pay no legal fees unless we win a recovery for you. For a FREE consultation, call auto injury lawyer Attorney Morgan or contact us online bellow to learn how we can help.

Free phone consultation 24/7
(208) 999-1717
Boise Idaho Office
950 West Bannock Street
Suite 1100
Boise, Idaho 83702
(208) 789-2098
Middleton Idaho Office
318 West Main Street
Middleton ID, 83644

(208) 789-2098
Lehi Utah Office
2901 Bluegrass Boulevard 
Suite 200
Lehi, UT 84043
(208) 789-2098
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