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  • / 09.12.2018

You Need a Lawyer to Process Your Insurance Claims Correctly

Insurance companies are for-profit enterprises; they stay in business because income (premiums) exceed expenses (claims paid). And, before you ask, so-called “non-profit insurers” are also for-profit businesses, they just use their profits differently; if they don’t profit, they close up shop, too.

Therefore, they may offer a settlement well below what you think it should be. You’ve paid for protection, your insurance claim for your auto accident or other injury is the demand for that protection. There are several ways in which an expert like the Morgan Law Firm can help see that your rights are protected:

#1 — Deal Professionally with Professionals

In talking to insurance company employees, be polite, be firm, be clear on what you want. Sending emails instead of making phone calls means there’s a documented record of your discussions — and how long it takes for them to respond. Your lawyer can advise on what questions to ask and how to interpret the answers.

#2 — Should the Lawyer Do All the Talking?

No, you can use your lawyer strictly as a resource and, while the insurance company is playing nice, this is good. Remember, once you say, “My lawyer will be in touch”, you have changed the game dramatically, from possibly cooperative to definitely adversarial.

#3 — If They Try to Be Unfair, Do I have to Sue?

No, you have options which offer you due process out of court. In a “mediation”, a third party (with nothing to gain or lose regardless of which side wins) works with the insurer and the insured to reach a sensible settlement both can accept. In an “arbitration”, the arbiter collects facts and issues a decision, like a judge. You and your insurer, before entering into arbitration, choose “non-binding” which, essentially, means you’re in mediation — or “binding”, which means both agree to accept the arbiter’s decision. If you choose these options, your lawyer may have experience with specific mediators and arbiters to help you choose a qualified professional.

#4 — When Should I call a Lawyer?

As soon as possible. Deal with any injuries, take photos of the accident scene, talk to the police and witnesses, make sure you are okay, then call us. A small misstep at the beginning can take a lot of time and effort to correct later on.

With offices in Idaho, and Utah, the Morgan Law Firm will get you the best settlement we can on your auto accident insurance claim, and we’ll do it as fast as we can.

This website is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.

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The Morgan Law Firm is available to take your call any time, seven days a week. We would be happy to meet with you in your home, your hospital room, in either of our main offices or in one of our conveniently located pilot offices.

We handle all of our cases on a contingency-fee basis. This means you pay no legal fees unless we win a recovery for you. For a FREE consultation, call auto injury lawyer Attorney Morgan or contact us online bellow to learn how we can help.

Free phone consultation 24/7
(208) 999-1717
Boise Idaho Office
950 West Bannock Street
Suite 1100
Boise, Idaho 83702
(208) 789-2098
Middleton Idaho Office
318 West Main Street
Middleton ID, 83644

(208) 789-2098
Lehi Utah Office
2901 Bluegrass Boulevard 
Suite 200
Lehi, UT 84043
(208) 789-2098
The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute a client relationship.
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