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  • / 10.24.2018

When it Comes to Motorcycle Accidents, Shortcuts Can Be a Highway to Hell

Motorcyclists, like all drivers, must comply with the rules of the road. Motorcycles are smaller and more maneuverable than cars but doing something dangerous because you can is never smart and, often, it’s illegal. Lane splitting or scooting down the shoulder is asking for trouble. Fortunately, very few bikers are dumb enough to take shortcuts like that.

Take the Long and Winding Road
Many bikers forget they need extra caution when driving because their vehicle size is a huge disadvantage in any accident, regardless of who was at fault. Don’t just “observe the rules of the road”, go the extra mile to ensure your vehicle is visible and you are driving defensibly.
On the flip side, some auto drivers take mental shortcuts, like assuming they always have the right-of-way over motorcycles. They don’t, but a smart biker always assumes some mistake is just around the next corner so that, when one happens, he or she is ready for it. For example, one study indicated nearly half of all auto-motorcycle accidents happen when the car is making a left turn. When you see that left-turn signal, don’t assume the driver can see you, be sure you are out of the way.

Rockin’ Down the Highway
Sometimes that involves the music and, sometimes, real rocks! Also, potholes, road kill and other debris that gets on the asphalt. You can’t sue Mother Nature, but, when commercial or private vehicles drop bits of their load, you definitely have a case if you can identify the offender. When a possible litterbug, like a gravel truck or pickup full of cut branches, is in front of you, read the license plate or the “How’s My Driving” sticker then get out of the line of fire as quick as you can.
Every motorcycle owner should consider a helmet cam as part of their safety gear list. Like insurance, you probably won’t ever need it but, if you do, you won’t cry over having spent the money.

East Bound and Down or Riding Solo
David L. Morgan has represented enough motorcyclists to bring considerable experience to your case. He’ll conduct thorough investigations to battle preconceived notions and develop the evidence needed to protect your rights. We handle all cases on a contingency-fee basis — you pay no legal fees unless we recover for you. Call directly at 208-789-2098 (Idaho) or 801-623-1911 (Utah) or visit to schedule your free consultation and learn how we can help.

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The roads can be treacherous, but bills and insurance companies can be worse. Consider sharing this blog to your social media to help others arm themselves with the reliable legal information they need to drive with confidence.

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We handle all of our cases on a contingency-fee basis. This means you pay no legal fees unless we win a recovery for you. For a FREE consultation, call auto injury lawyer Attorney Morgan or contact us online bellow to learn how we can help.

Free phone consultation 24/7
(208) 999-1717
Boise Idaho Office
950 West Bannock Street
Suite 1100
Boise, Idaho 83702
(208) 789-2098
Middleton Idaho Office
318 West Main Street
Middleton ID, 83644

(208) 789-2098
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2901 Bluegrass Boulevard 
Suite 200
Lehi, UT 84043
(208) 789-2098
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